Partner's Dissemination
Find the latest news and information about READ-COM partner’s dissemination.
Digitization of the UMA Toolkit in Spanish
Digitalization of the UMA toolkit in Spanish made by teachers of the CEIP Rosa de Gálvez.
ERASMUS+KA2 Strategic Partnerships, “READ-COM – Reading Communities from paper books to digital era” – SITE DA ESSE JOÃO DE DEUS
Site da ESSE João de Deus para divulgação do projeto.
READ-COM: Buenas prácticas lectoras en educación infantil
Digitalization of the UMA toolkit in Spanish made by teachers of the CEIP Rosa de Gálvez.
How to encourage a love of reading in kindergarten and elementary school
Press Release: Diario Sur.
UMA researchers participate in a European project to promote reading among schoolchildren
Press Release: Novaciencia.
“READ-COM” European project is about to improve the Reading habits at home and at school
Press Release: UMA.
UMA university teachers in an european project to improve reading habits in primary education
Press Release: Noticiasde.
READ-COM: Un proyecto europeo para fomentar la lectura entre los escolares
Press Release: UMA.
UMA university teachers in an european project to improve reading habits
Press Release: La Vanguardia.
Our greatest acheivement
For most common dispositive, usable by teachers and educators to work with 3-12 years old children. App is based on the concept of ludic learning to stimulate children’s creativity and imagination through interactive games