The Outputs / Output 3

The READ-COM Animation APP

The concept of ludic learning to stimulate children’s creativity and imagination through interactive games 

The READ-COM Animation APP

An Educative App

The main task of IO3 is taken by CTI Patras (GR), the partner assigned for the technical development of the READ-COM ANIMATION APP.

In detail, within this IO it is planned to create an Educative App for Reading Education – to be built for mobile devices running by the most popular operative systems, namely iOS Apple, Android and Windows – usable by teachers and educators to work with 3-12 years old children. App is based on the concept of ludic learning to stimulate children’s creativity and imagination through interactive games (diversified by age groups 3-6, 6-9, 9-12) that will allow to create original stories starting from images and/or texts from classic children’s narrative of each country, promoting at the same time intercultural awareness and affection towards reading and storytelling since early age.

The educational APP will be based on the educational inspiration coming from the topics treated and implemented within the IO1 and IO2. It will be realized with the Creative Commons license, will be free and easily accessible and downloadable, of public use and consultation as OER. It will allow both to all partners and everyone else interested in – institutions, professors, university students, family, other schools than the already involved, professionals – to access and to use all the READ- COM intellectual products.

This PRODUCT constitutes, at the same time, the prerequisite and the technical mean for promoting effectively reading attitude among children, their families and belonging communities, by using proper mobile devices. Devices like Smartphones and tablet computers can indeed offer new ways of reading. They are attractive to younger people (and could thus encourage reading aptitude), they also offer accessibility features and are increasingly popular among people of any age.

CTI Patras (GR) as lead partner responsible for the APP development, will be supported by a tandem partner (UMA as a Scientific Supervisor), who will collaborate in carrying out the specific tasks planned for the APP creation. They will work closely together to transform the requirements specified in the PEDAGOGICAL FRAMEWORK and the contents implemented in the READING EDUCATION TOOLKIT into Educational Reading “ludic” activities that need to be programmed by CTI within the APP. 

So, as tandem partner UMA will contribute especially to a more precise fulfillment of the results through its complementary experience to that of the CTI, by monitoring the activity and ensuring the scientific check of the APP’s contents, the goodness of the results obtained. All other participating organizations will give their concrete contribute to the APP development and its testing, use, promotion and dissemination.

The participating organizations will also make a significant contribution in terms of the potential impact and transferability of the APP in their environments and belonging communities.

They will finally contribute to promoting this technical asset among their teaching staff or among associated partners, educational institutions that belong to their work networks, by disseminating information on how to consult and download the stored educational resources.

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READ-COM APP: Reading Communities

Available for Windows 10 versión 17763.0 or after (x86)

READ-COM APP: Reading Communities

Available for all android Phone & Tablets

READ-COM APP: Reading Communities

Available for all iOS Phone & Tablets.
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