5th Meeting: Oct 2021, Lisboa – Portugal.

Meeting Report

DAY 1: Friday 8th of October 2021
  • Welcome and Opening.
  • Intellectual Output 2-Proposal 3: Monitoring of the development of the APP, Status of the first three tasks:
    • Task 1. Design and edit the basic APP feature and layout interface to ensure that it is accessible and usable on the most popular and diffused interfaces selected, namely Apple iOS, Android and Windows (CTI).
    • Task 2. Program specifications, programming, technical testing and debugging (CTI).
    • Task 3. Development of the of the APP contents (UMA as scientific supervisor and all partners for the contents, CTI for technical issues).
  • Free debate, with posible questions from all Participants.
  • Closing.
DAY 2: Sarturday 9th of October 2021
  • Intellectual Output 1 (Phase 2): Presentation of activities of Toolkit proposed by each READ-COM project partner.
  • Free debate, with possible questions from all Participants and guest professors.
  • Dynamization of the website and Planning of the dissemination of the activities the project.
  • Planning e-Twinning.

  • Planning next meeting and activities learning in Manchester (C3).
  • Meeting evaluation.
  • Closing



5th MEETING October 2021. Lisboa - Portugal.


5th MEETING October 2021. Lisboa - Portugal.

Table of Contents

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The Reading Toolkits

Starting from the results gained by comparative survey and taking intoaccount what defined within the Pedagogical Framework.