Second day of the 4th meeting
Making some important decisions for the success of the project.
Making some important decisions for the success of the project.
El último número de la Revista Interuniversitaria de Formación del Profesorado, dedicado a *Buenas prácticas docentes en formación del profesorado* recoge el estudio enmarcado en el Proyecto Europeo “Reading Communities from paper books to digital era” (READ-COM)
Il 20 luglio 2022 si è tenuto a Firenze l’evento finale del progetto READCOM, Reading Communities from paper books to digital era – ERASMUS+ KA2 Strategic Partnership for EDUCATION.
Press Release: Melilla Hoy., “Más que uno” de Onda Cero y “Viento de Levante”
Starting from the results gained by comparative survey and taking intoaccount what defined within the Pedagogical Framework.
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