Associação de Jardins-Escola
João de Deus
Created in 1988 by the Association, the Escola Superior de Educação João de Deus follows its tradition, with special emphasis.
Following it's tradition
The Associação de Jardins-Escola João de Deus is a non-profit public institution, funded in 1882. This institution implemented, in 1920, the first course on Pre-Scholar Educators Formation in Portugal, with its own reading and learning method (Método de Leitura João de Deus). The Associação de Jardins-Escola João de Deus congregates the Escola Superior de Educação João de Deus, in Lisbon, and over fifty pre-scholar and first cycle of basic education schools, spread all over the country (all with the same NIF).
Created in 1988 by the Association, the Escola Superior de Educação João de Deus follows its tradition, with special emphasis on the development and significance of the human, cultural, scientific, technique, and professional formation. Together with its acknowledged mission on Teacher Education (Degree, Master, Post Graduations) the Escola Superior de Educação João de Deus is also engaged on research in educational subjects, in cooperation with national and international institutions.
Involved in several projets
─ Methodologies of Teaching Reading in Portugal in the 19th Century – João de Deus Museum ─
Scientific and Technological Development Project (IC & Dt) within the scope of the NOTICE No. 02 / SAICT / 2016 of the Support System for Scientific and Technological Research (SAICT), entitled Methodologies of Teaching Reading in Portugal in the 19th Century – João de Deus Museum, with the participation of João de Deus Higher Education School (Proponent Institution), Tomar Polytechnic Institute, João de Deus Museum, Lisbon Municipal Archive and Tomar Library.
Researcher responsible (PI): Isabel Maria Silva Ruivo.
─ Research Project “Phonological Awareness in Pre-School Education (5 years) and in the 1st year of Basic Education” ─
Coordinator: Isabel Ruivo (João de Deus Research and Studies Centre).
─ Project “EDUMAR – EDUcar ao MAR”. 2017-2019 – “EDUCate for MAR-EDUMAR” Project, SAICT- POL / 23480/2016 ─
Co-funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology I.P. (PIDDAC) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), through the Regional Operational Program of the Centre and the Regional Operational Program of Lisbon; Scientific and Technological Development Project (IC & Dt), within the scope of the NOTICE No. 02 / SAICT / 2016 of the Support System for Scientific and Technological Research (SAICT), entitled “EduMaR-Educar para o Mar”, with the participation of João de Deus Higher Education School (Proponent Institution), Superior School of Tourism and Technology of the Sea of the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, National Museum of Natural History and Science of the University of Lisbon and Public and private schools of basic education of the 1st and 2nd cycles;
Duration of project: 2012/2015.
Institution: Instituto de Educação of the University of Lisbon (IEUL / UL).
Participating Institutions: João de Deus School of Education (ESEJD); Association for the Development of the Faculty of Sciences (ADFC / FC / UP); Association to Live Science (VC); Mission Structure for Maritime Affairs (EMAM); Foundation of the Faculty of Sciences (FFC / FC / UL); Navy (Navy / MDN); Centre of Geology of the University of Porto (CG / FC / UP).
Researcher in charge: Cláudia Faria (IEUL).
─ Research Project “The Participation of Families in School” ─
Coordinator: Paula Colares Reis (Centre for Research and Studies João de Deus).
─ Research Project “The performance level of 4th year students attending the João de Deus School Gardens in Portuguese and Mathematics” ─
Coordinator: António de Deus Ramos Ponces de Carvalho (Centre for Research and Studies João de Deus).
─ “NOS & US – The Nature of Science: Understanding Science in the Initial Teacher Training” ─
Project for Scientific Research and Technological Development (IC & DT) under NOTICE No. 02 / SAICT / 2017 of the Support System for Scientific and Technological Research (SAICT, Compete 2020, Portugal 2020)
Institutions: Institute of Education of the University of Lisbon (IE) (Institution proponent); João de Deus Higher Education School (ESEJD); School of Education of Lisbon (ESELX); University of Aveiro (UA); Calouste Gulbenkian Planetarium (Ministry of National Defense – Navy).
Researchers from ESEJD and CIEJD participating in the project: Diana Boaventura and Maria Filomena Caldeira. The innovation of this project proposal is based on early intervention at the level of professional development, during initial teacher training, with the aim of supporting future teachers not only to develop an in-depth understanding of what science and scientific activity is, but also to develop pedagogical practices that promote students’ understanding of the scientific enterprise as a whole.
─ Project “Let’s talk at school – Nu ben papia na skola”, (2002-2005) ─
Co-funded by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, under the “Program to support research projects in the field of education”. Partnership with the New University of Lisbon, Faculty of Letters, Setúbal Higher Education School and Mindelo Pedagogical Institute (Campus of the Pedagogical Institute based in the City of Praia, Cape Verde).
The Reading Toolkits
Starting from the results gained by comparative survey and taking intoaccount what defined within the Pedagogical Framework.